Terry you are right about getting the words right.
Our modern age has vinyl recordings, movies, and newspapers from the beginning of the 20th century. They are news events, speeches, court cases, and other original sources.
And yet how many times do we see living politicians, writers, commentators, and performers misquoted - or their words bent to mean something totally different than the source material.
Perfect example: Churchill DID NOT say, "All I have to offer is blood, sweat, and tears." And yet that is the common quote repeated several times daily in newscasts, at schools, and in movies.
No he didn't. Rock singer David Clayton Thomas may have said those words, but Churchill DID NOT. And those words are only 70 years old and have been transcribed and filmed and recorded at the time he gave his famous speech to the British people.
So how do you think the writers of the Gospels and Acts could possibly remember Jesus words perfectly - especially since they were not there. Mark and Luke were not even present at any of the events in Jesus life. They were writing from third person accounts. Matthew sourced his material from Mark. John may or may not have been present, but his accounts do not agree with the other three gospels in many cases. Paul was not even converted until well after Jesus death - and yet he frequently quotes Jesus.
Nah, the Bible is more like a modern history book that you'd find in an American high school. Major events like World War 2 are "fleshed out" across two or three pages. The Civil War is frequently misreported and misinterpreted. Korea? What was that. President Jimmy Carter barely gets a mention, and the Iran revolution of 1979 is ignored. I could give hundreds of examples.
So how can modern Bible thumpers like the JWs use the Bible as the only precise and totally accurate record of Jesus' life? The answer is they can't.
BTW - Churchill's words were:
"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."